Corporate Social Responsibility
Great Bay Distributors, Inc. has accomplished much over the past 50+ years in business. From its beginning,
the company has proudly represented the great beers of Anheuser-Busch. Over time, many other brewers
and other manufacturers have been added to that list so that today we represent over 70 suppliers of beer, wine, spirits and nonalcoholic products.
Our corporate philosophy is simple: Be the best sales and distribution partner to our customers; create a family atmosphere among our staff; be a good corporate citizen within our community; and make sure we give back to the people who support us.
Great Bay Distributors is indeed fortunate to do business in this community located in such a beautiful part of
the world. We will never lose sight of our commitment to our community, our customers or our suppliers.
Great Bay is committed to community issues and social responsibility for everyone in our service territory. We sponsor and participate in many national and local initiatives. Our employees participate and volunteer on a multitude of levels throughout Pinellas, Pasco and Hernando Counties. From supporting the St. Petersburg Art Museum, local schools, Tampa Bay Watch, the Southeast Guide Dogs, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, All Pro Dad, Valspar Executive Women’s Day, Veteran initiatives, Habitat for Humanity and numerous other charitable organizations, our employees and ownership believe in giving back.
We also believe being a family business means doing our part to educate and support the legal enjoyment of
our products.
Drunk Driving
We have one position on drunk driving: We oppose it. One drunk driver behind the wheel is one too many, and getting intoxicated drivers off the road has been our goal for decades.

Tow to Go – During key holidays, we partner with the American Automobile Association (AAA) for its Tow to Go program, which provides a free tow to a driver who may have overindulged. Check out AAA’s website for more information at AAA/Budweiser Tow to Go.

Responsibility – In partnership with Anheuser-Busch’s flagship beer brand, the Budweiser “Drink Wiser” campaign is our effort to take on both alcohol-impaired driving and bingedrinking. Promoting hydration and planning ahead for a ride, “Drink Wiser” is a powerful initiative we take to the streets to encourage responsible drinking.

Boating Safety – This program, supported by the National Safe Boating Council, reminds boaters and other water recreation enthusiasts to be responsible on the water in all activities. The program includes consumer materials that offer tips on general water safety and promoting safer boating through education, as well as promoting the use of designated skippers while out on the water.
Underage Drinking
We have one position on underage drinking: We oppose it. We feel the laws in place provide a perfect framework to allow individuals of legal age to enjoy our products responsibly.

Operation ID/We I.D. – Through the Operation ID and We ID programs, Anheuser-Busch, and Great Bay offer retailers training and a variety of point-of-sale materials to help prevent sales to underage persons. Program elements include “We ID” signage in cooler cases and at the point of purchase, as well as Driver’s License Guides for store clerks and bartenders that contain examples of valid licenses in all 50 states, U.S. territories, and Canadian provinces.

Family Talk About Drinking – Anheuser-Busch collaborated with MJ Corcoran M.Ed to create Family Talk About Drinking, a program that helps parents talk to their kids about alcohol, underage drinking and responsible choices. More than just a set of rules, Family Talk About Drinking is a supportive community that allows parents to learn new ideas, share stories, and ask questions about how best to tackle the problem of underage drinking. For more information, visit www.familytalkaboutdrinking.com.

TIPS® (Training for Intervention Procedures) for the University Our message on college campuses is clear. If you’re under 21, respect the law – don’t drink. Personal responsibility is the foundation for addressing these issues, and only when students are armed with the facts can they make informed decisions. TIPS® offers a specialized peer-to-peer education program designed for fraternities, sororities and residence halls. The training program teaches students, dorm advisers and on- and off-campus servers techniques for serving alcohol responsibly, intervening in a non-confrontational manner and spotting fake IDs.
Environmental Responsibility
Helping the Environment
Great Bay does its part to keep the environment clean and cared for using recycling, efficient truck routing, solar energy, clean-up sponsorship’s and supplier environmental initiatives.

Recycle-Reduce-Reuse – We do our part to reduce our trash output. Several initiatives include; Plastic recycling of all our pallet shrink wrap and sign making waste. Cardboard recycling of all shipping boxes. Wood pallet recycling or reuse. Plastic pallet tracking for reuse with in our supply chain. We do our part to route delivery, merchandising and sales routes to minimize mileage and fuel use.

Solar Power – Our St. Petersburg location uses a 1.7 MW solar array to power our operations. The array produces an estimated 75% of our power we use to store, move, sell and support our products and operations. The array consists of 4590 Suniva modules, 51 SMA inverters and an SMA Cluster Controller installed by Solar Energy Management.

Seed to Sip – Our main supplier, AB-Inbev, developed and follows a “Seed to Sip” program to encourage and facilitate environmental friendly practices in the beer industry. They want to “raise a beer to raising our sustainability”. It is an extension of Great Bay’s Recycle-Reduce-Reuse policies that AB-Inbev follows in its breweries.